
Welfare Institutions and Hostels

  • Date : 01/01/2021 -

As per government decision dated 26.04.2002, under Central Governments Welfare Institutions and Hostels scheme, 15 kg foodgrain (wheat and rice) per beneficiary per month were supplied to the following government, government aided and private organizations at BPL rates as wheat Rs.4.65 kg and rice Rs.6.35 kg.

  • Government as well as private subsidized/unsubsidized approved ashram schools run under Tribal Development Department and Social Justice
    Department of the State Government.
  • Government / Private run under various departments of State Govt.
  • Subsidized / Unsubsidized Accredited Hostels.
  • Childrens Homes (Government/Voluntary), Childrens Homes, Children’s Homes, Orphanages, Observation Homes (Government/Voluntary), Voluntary Children’s Homes, Voluntary Adoption Institutions, Government Womens State Homes, Aadhaar Homes (Voluntary) Womens Short Term Accommodation, Devdasi Boys/Girls under the Department of Women and Child Development of the State Government Hostels, Nursing Homes (Government/Voluntary), Almshouses (Government/Voluntary)
  • Hostels for disabled and mentally retarded children.
  • Old age home.
  • Government or Municipal Hospitals.
  • Hostels attached to Nursing College (Government / Private Accredited).
  • Hostels and Hospitals affiliated to Government Medical Colleges.
  • Nariniketan.
  • Jails.
  • Hostels of educational institutes of small number, orphanages/orphanages of voluntary organizations of small number.
  • Hostels run by Government recognized (aided/ unaided) schools / colleges.
  • Hostels run by registered welfare organizations.

Under this scheme, allocations are received from the central government for the six-month periods, April to September and October to March every year. It is distributed district wise considering the allocation received from the central government & food consumption habits according to geographical area of ​​the state.

The Central Government through its letter dated 19.03.2019 has taken a strategic decision to distribute allocations only to Government-owned and Government-run institutions under the scheme Welfare Institutions and Hostels.

Subsequently, the Central Government vide its letter dated 13.02.2020 has informed that under the Welfare Institutions and Hostels scheme, allocation will be approved for the beneficiaries of Government-aided Welfare Institutions and Hostels, including welfare institutions owned and operated by the Government. As the central government has said in a video conference that prisons and hospitals are not eligible for the benefits of this scheme, they are not given benefits under this scheme. At present the number of establishments receiving food grains under the scheme is 3174 and the number of beneficiaries is 3,34,801.


Government aided Welfare Institutions and Hostels, Institutions owned and operated by the Government under Welfare Institutions and Hostels Scheme


15 kg (Rice & Wheat) per month at BPL rate to per beneficiary

How To Apply

Visit nearest Tehsil Office or District Supply Office.