
    Distribution of the fortified rice through PDS and Milling

    • Date : 18/04/2022 -

    For the prevention of the high volume of the Anaemia in the country and the state, the central government has decided to distribute the fortified rice, prepared by mixing the FRK (Fortified Rice Kernel – FRK) (made from rice flour and which contains the high volume of the micronutrients such as Iron, Folic Acid and Vitamin B12) in the CMR in the proportion of 1 (FRK):100 (CMR), through the public distribution system. Accordingly, the Central Government vide its letter dated 18th April, 2022 has approved the distribution of fortified rice to the beneficiaries under ICDS/PM POSHAN (MDM)/PDS in the following three phases with the 100% aid from the Central Government.

    1. Phase I (April, 2021 to March, 2022) : ICDS / MDM (now PM POSHAN)
    2. Phase II (April, 2022 to March 2023) : ICDS / MDM (PM POSHAN) / PDS in 4-Aspirational / 13-High Burden Districts in the State.
    3. Phase III (April, 2023 to March, 2024) : ICDS / MDM (PM POSHAN) / PDS /Other Scheme (Whole country)
    • Out of the phases mentioned above, fortified rice to the beneficiaries of the ICDS and MDM scheme is being distributed by the department of Women and Child Development and the School Education.
    • The government approved the distribution of the fortified rice under the second and the third phase of fortified rice vide the GR dated 17.10.2022.
    • At present the fortified rice is being distributed in the state under the third phase.


    Citizen eligible under Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) scheme & Priority House Hold (PHH) scheme.


    To distribute the Fortified Rice enhanced with the micronutrients like iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 so as to get the solution to the widespread anemia problem in the country and state.

    How To Apply
